A short animated film by The Brothers McLeod
“One Year. One Film. One Second a Day.” One second of animation every day for the 365 days of the year 2013. No storyline, script or storyboard. The ideas come from things read, seen or experienced on the day, with a little artistic license for good measure.
Audio contributors
Adam Buxton, Anthony Brooks, Barolo, Caroline McLeod, Cookie Gross, Dave Lovatt, David Kamp, David Tennant, Gaf Evans, Gary Yershon, Harry McLeod, James Henrick, Jode Steele, Louis McLeod, Lucy Montgomery, Lyla McLeod, Mum and Dad, Myles McLeod, Paul Johnston, Polar Bear, Rob Blackham, Rowan and India, Satnam Rana, The Sonnet Man, Toby Smith, Tom Angell