Oscar® Scores
Oscar © Winning Scores: Gravity 3D (15)+ ScreenTalk with Steven Price
Wed September 14th 7pm, Barbican Cinema 2
UK/US 2013, Dir. Alfonso Cuarón, 91 min
In partnership with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, and curated by Academy Award nominated composer Gary Yershon, the Barbican is delighted to present the third in a series of screenings and talks with Oscar© -winning European composers.
We’re excited to welcome Steven Price to talk about his work on a recent hit at the 2013 Academy Awards, Gravity, as well as his work on a diverse portfolio of films, including Joe Cornish’s Attack the Block, David Ayer’s Fury and the latest instalment in the DC universe, Suicide Squad.
Alfonso Cuarón’s visually spectacular space-set drama stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as an engineer and an astronaut who find themselves stranded in space. To make it back to Earth, they must use all the strength and ingenuity they have.