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June 2024

“Groundbreaking original large scale work for clarinet ensemble.” Now available from Saxtet Publications.  .../ ➝

November 2023

Découvrir la création Métamorphonie de Gary Yershon

Vendredi 24 et samedi 25 novembre – 19h30

Musée de la Romanité
16 Bd des Arènes, 30000 Nîmes, France

Photo: Oliver Laric – Mémoire vive 
Photographe: Cédrick Eymenier

utilisé avec autorisation
September 2023

Gary’s new work for clarinet ensemble poco assai at the Nîmes Metropole Jazz Festival

October 5th 2023

April 2022

Le Quatuor Amayères present the French premiere of Gary’s second woodwind quartet.


Nîmes (29th April)
Rochefort du Gard (30th April)
Valleraugue (1st May)

November 2021
September 2021

woodwind quartet for E flat clarinet, B flat clarinet, alto saxophone and baritone saxophone.../ ➝

April 2021
June 2020

By convention, the theme of a set of variations is stated at the start. However, the theme of LOCKDOWN VARIATIONS comes at the end of a musical mystery tour.

February 2020

The premiere of Gary’s wind quartet Des Vents, written for and performed by the Calum’Art Quartet.

March 2019

Barbican Concert Hall, 7 & 11 March 2019

London Symphony Orchestra

Composer: Gary Yershon

Text: Arnold Lobel

Conductor: Felix Mildenberger

Reciter: Lucy Griffiths

August 2018

Recorded August 14th, 2018 in the performance space at City University, London Pianists: Michael Haslam and Marcus Tilt Recording engineer: John Leonard.../ ➝

July 2017

Premiere performance 2nd July 2017, Stream House, Haslemere, Surrey. Raisa Zapryanova (viola) and Nick Cooper (cello).../ ➝