The main repertory seasons were in autumn and spring, the annual Christmas show taking place between the end of the former and the start of the latter. Actors who were in the autumn season might not necessarily be asked to stay on for the Christmas show, and those in the Christmas show might not necessarily be asked to stay for the spring. I was lucky this time: John David asked me to stay on for another couple of productions, the first of which was Pam Gems’ biographical whizz through the life of Edith Piaf. The title role was a barnstormer, a challenge to which Jenny Galloway rose effortlessly. I loved working with her, listening to her sing those wonderful songs so brilliantly every might. The show’s sound designer, the late, lamented Craig Neil, had the foresight to record the last performance. Here’s the final number, Les Trois Cloches, sung by Jenny and the Piaf company: Julia Hills, Sarah Sherborne, Pip Mayo, Phillip Manikum, Raymond Llewellyn, Graham Sinclair, Julian Freeman, and me singing solo in the verses. Conducting us is musical director Neil Rhoden, to whom I’m indebted for sharing the recording.