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October 1989

Show of Strength Theatre Co directed by Martin White.../ ➝

October 1989

directed by Phyllida Lloyd designed by Anthony Ward Bristol Old Vic.../ ➝

June 1989

Plymouth Theatre Royal/BBC TV Peter Woodward as P.G. Wodehouse Tony Slattery as Guy Bolton Gary Yershon as Jerome Kern look & listen: Words Are Not Needed.../ ➝

May 1989

by Nick Stafford directed by Claire Grove.../ ➝

May 1989

Die Hose by Carl Sternheim translated by Eric Bentley Bristol Old Vic.../ ➝

May 1989

by Nick Dear starring Patrick Malahide directed by Paul Unwin Bristol Old Vic.../ ➝

April 1989

directed by Phyllida Lloyd designed by Anthony Ward Bristol Old Vic.../ ➝

February 1989

directed by Phyllida Lloyd

designed by Anthony Ward

Bristol Old Vic

October 1988

a new play by Paul Godfrey directed by Phyllida Lloyd Bristol Old Vic  .../ ➝

October 1988

A TOWN IN THE WEST COUNTRY Bristol Old Vic Writer Don Hale  :   Designer Sally Crabb  :  Musical Director Gary Yershon  :  Director Paul Unwin  .../ ➝

June 1988

book, music and lyrics Everyman Youth Theatre, Cheltenham.../ ➝

August 1987

directed by Phyllida Lloyd

Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham

July 1987

Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham : transferred to Greenwich Theatre, December 1987: director John Doyle.../ ➝

May 1987

by Arthur Miller

Theatre Royal, York

April 1987

book and lyrics by Justin Greene & Steve Cooke

music by Stephen Boxer

Nuffield Theatre, Southampton

November 1986

Northcott Theatre, Exeter

September 1986

directed by Phyllida Lloyd. special contribution by sound sculptor Peter Appleton. Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham.../ ➝

August 1986

dramatised by Caroline Oulton :

directed by Phyllida Lloyd :

Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham

June 1986

Everyman Theatre, Cheltenham directed by John Doyle.../ ➝

May 1986

written and performed by Linda Polan Orange Tree Theatre, Richmond.../ ➝

April 1986

The Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht
Translated by Howard Brenton
Directed by Paul Unwin
Designed by Sally Crabb
Lighting by John A Williams
Sound by James Earls-Davis
Music by Gary Yershon

Barry Stanton as Galileo
with Martin Clunes, Sean Murray, Simon Slater, June Barrie…

March 1986

Bristol Old Vic directed by Anthony Cornish designed by John Elvery cast: Bob Acres Sean Murray Captain Jack Absolute Martin Clunes Fag Paul Rattigan Faulkland Jonathan Cullen Julia Lynsey Beauchamp Lucy Hilary Trott Lydia Languish Samantha Bond Mrs Malaprop June Barrie Sir Anthony Absolute Graham Crowden Sir Lucius O’Trigger Mark Buffery Thomas/David Gary Yershon.../ ➝

December 1985

Cast: Aiden Bell, Amanda Birchall, Victoria Blake, Philip Bond, Samantha Bond, Helena Breck, Simon Butteriss, James Cairncross, Martin Clunes, Derek Crewe, Andrée Evans, Howard Groos, Harold Innocent, Tammi Jacobs, Julia Office, David Prescott, Alwyne Taylor. director Paul Unwin designer John Elvery musical director Gary Yershon.../ ➝

December 1985

Derby Playhouse directed by Christopher Honer.../ ➝

August 1985

by Matthew Freeman

directed by Mervyn Willis

Edinburgh Festival Fringe


In memoriam Paul Stephen Matthew Freeman, 1963-1988

Final Dance